Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 21st, 2007—Pie drop

2 cherry pies
An Arch
2 black tablecloth dresses
A park goer
A fine digital camera

Catie and Meg are on their way to change into their black tablecloth dresses and get coffee when---




that cherry wanted to fly.

Meg and Catie need to change and need new pie.

They look in the Pioneer grocery—lots of pies, but no cherries. They decide to take the bus to Whole foods. While waiting for the bus, they see a great resale shop. They longingly look as they get on the bus. There is no time for shopping, only time for cherry pie.

At whole foods they find an expensive organic cherry pie—Catie pays

They eat breakfast and change

The go on their way in their black tablecloth dresses to the arch

The walk is 30 minutes

Catie finds park goer who is reading and asks him to take some pictures.

Meg unwraps organic pie and walks to top of arch

Meg gets to top of arch and Catie is still talking to park goer

Meg is ready to drop

Catie is setting-up shot

Catie goes into tunnel where musician is playing and comes out.

Meg drops

Pie splats

Catie is not hit

Meg missed

Meg runs down and scoops up pie to try again.

Catie goes into arch and Meg runs to top

Meg attempts to hit Catie again


Catie is not hit

Meg missed again

Pie is really a mess on the ground.

They decide to try again tomorrow

Catie and Meg are both clean. So they keep on the black tablecloth dresses.

They decide to have a meeting at Cedar Hill. They meet; they talk to their significant others. Catie is really excited about her new cell phone and the ability to talk to her fiancé, Erik, for the park. Meg makes dinner plans with her husband, Michael.

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